
Consistency…How much does it matter? 

By  Colleen Mallory

We are big fans of process improvement, automation, and basically anything that keeps us on track to meet our goals. We aren't just talking about business goals either, we like to apply these principles to our personal lives as well. So, when we stumbled upon this article, Five Tips for Achieving Consistent Success, we were  intrigued and excited to dig in and understand what it takes to achieve success and keep it! To some, the idea of consistently repeating the same process day after day may seem boring, but we know that it garners results. When you create a process for your daily sales activities, your consistent behavior will lead to success. We especially liked the part of the article when the author noted that a "consistently successful people assume a dual responsibility: they are the architects and builders of their lives. Architects create blueprints; consistently successful people develop life-design strategies." You get the picture, you need to design the path to success and then work towards turning that design into a reality.  Click here to read article!


Gschwandtner, G. (2017, September). Five Tips for Achieving Consistent Success. Selling Power.

Colleen Mallory

Colleen is a writer, teacher, and avid reader. Her love of philosophy transcends every one of her pursuits.

Colleen Mallory

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