
The 1st Step in Curriculum Design 

By  Colleen Mallory

Atticus Finch said it best in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird when he stated, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…” So, how does this apply to curriculum design, you ask?

Designing a new class can be a daunting task, and the first step is to really consider the audience. We believe in spending the time getting to know the type of person that will be interested in your content, so that as you develop your curriculum, you will understand how to structure lessons to best serve your audience.  Using the Backwards Design model to achieve this goal will provide the framework for your course design. The Backwards Design model focuses on the idea of mastery, so the real goal is that the student walks away with knowledge that can be implemented into real-life situations. The essence of understanding is the desired outcome, so explore with different ways to create an environment that will promote this idea of essential understanding and ultimately change the way a student engages in everyday life!

Colleen Mallory

Colleen is a writer, teacher, and avid reader. Her love of philosophy transcends every one of her pursuits.

Colleen Mallory

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